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Wine (no women ) and song | Hunting in France


There are some things that I find quite hard to get used to in France. Actually it might not be all of France but just the rural bit where I live but nevertheless there are some things that happen that surprise me.

For instance, take the other day… a neighbour popped round to see if the OH (other half – the male half) wanted to go hunting at the weekend…

Hunting is a big thing here. Many local people rely on the hunt season to stock their freezers for winter and game is plentiful – pheasant, grouse, deer even wild pig though they are not as common as they used to be.

I can’t say I’m really into the hunting thing but I thought it might be interesting to go along and observe.  I’d heard on the grapevine that the hunters spend quite a bit of time allotted to hunting actually playing cards, drinking wine, singing songs and hanging out in a converted bunker in the woods – that bit sounds like fun to me.

So… I said to the neighbour – “can I come too?”.

You should have seen his face – he was completely puzzled and totally horrified.

Then he said of course I was invited … to his house where his wife and the other wives would be preparing a meal for the hunters when they returned from a hard day’s hunting!

When it comes to hunting in this bit of France – it’s all about wine and song but most certainly no women!

A bientôt
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