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Learn French in France the natural way

Learning French can be challenging – for some more than others. Learning online, in a classroom or from a book doesn’t work for everyone – we’re all different and we all learn in different ways. A rediscovered way of learning French in France has had great success with those who want to become confident when speaking French – a ‘natural’ way of learning, the way you learn as a child. Hear, experience, speak and then write.

The Experience France (XPF) system is different from most, and though grammar and those pesky conjugations, past, present and future tense combinations are important – they’re only taught once you’re confident with communicating in French.

Learn French naturally

Carl Adkins, an IT entrepreneur who studied psychology, and founder of XPF says “When I lived in France with my family, I assumed I’d soak up the language, pick it up as I went along. But that just didn’t happen. My kids learned easily but I struggled. Months in and I was still finding it hard to have a simple conversation with the neighbours. And instead of getting easier as I expected, it started to get harder because by then I’d lost my confidence.”

He tried several different courses and found they were all too focused on the technicalities – when what he really wanted was to understand and to be understood in French. He started looking into the different ways of learning and eventually discovered a method that helped him – based on how the brain works, with personalised coaching and natural learning.

“I struggled with memorising lots of grammar, never mind finding time for written homework alongside a young family. So, I became a student of French, linguistics, natural language acquisition (NLA) & neuropsychology trying to find out if I could develop some new software, a new app or method for helping adults like me to learn French.

What I discovered is that the method (NLA) already exists and it’s the way we learn our first language. And, that enjoying a subject helps you to ‘acquire French naturally’ – our brains recognise the sounds and pattern of language in the same way that we can hear a few notes of a song and know which song it is. There’s much more to the methodology but that’s the simple version!”

French immersion courses around Normandy and Paris

The XPF teachers are trained in this methodology and ‘teach’ French on immersion courses in France, as well as online classes. They use the natural method of learning – listen, experience, speak and only then when you’re confident, write. They combine this approach with modern techniques (latest psycholinguistic & neurological research that finally explains why those rhymes, hymns & practical pre-school activities produce children that can communicate without knowing any grammar rules or writing.

There’s no rush to learn grammar rules, you simply enjoy the process of learning at your own pace. It’s a totally different learning environment where clients experience and learn about the culture of France and learn the language as they go. It’s a very customised experience based on the individual’s goals and interests as well as the level they are at, rather than teach everyone from the same book.

“Some clients have plenty of vocabulary but lack confidence or opportunities to express themselves in French – our goal is to give them the footholds they need to climb to base camp within an environment that they enjoy and will remember because all their senses are engaged” explains Carl. “This equals fun immersions but also when back to home and work they know that we will support them with regular online sessions about Napoleon, the Normans, cuisine, art and audio playlists so that they can progress further on their French journey. Naturally.”

Based near Paris, the courses take place around Normandy and Paris, at local markets, cultural venues, picturesque streets, Monet’s garden, historic castles. The motivating environment really helps to ‘experience’ the language.

Tailored programmes

“Many people don’t suit the traditional methods of learning” says Carl, “they think it’s them, and they give up and lose confidence. The truth is, we’re all different, we all learn differently and at different paces. What this method does is take that into account. The coaches help you gain confidence with speaking and because of that, you’ll be amazed how quickly you’re able to have a conversation in French. The problem is that once you feel you’ve failed, it’s self-fulfilling. Once we get rid of that negativity in learning, things start to change quickly.”

Each programme is tailored to help you reach your goals. It could be that you want to be able to converse in French easily on holiday in France. Or you’re moving to, or living in, France and need to be able to communicate. Perhaps you’re taking the citizenship test and want to be sure you’ll pass the oral exam. Maybe you’re going for a job in France. Whatever it is, the learning is individually tailored to suit you.

From fully immersive one day taster courses, to a week or more, plus follow up online lessons and online courses, curated audio lessons and personalised activities, there’s something to suit everyone.

Find out more at: xpfrance.net

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